Alternative Jackknife #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


A healthy body breeds a healthy mind and vice versa.


Nothing is more important than your body and health. When you start giving just 10 min/day to your body, your body reciprocates in form of good health and positive vibes. Exercising not only make you physically fit but also enriches your soul. Make it a habit to include the workout in your daily routine. Don’t procrastinate saying you don’t have time. Just start with jogging at a place, few stretches, neck circles, arm circles, hip circles. (Will keep posting details about these in coming posts) This will also give a mild warm up to your body and you feel energetic. Do it in morning and before going to bed.


Alternative Jackknife

Lie flat on the floor facing up with your legs straight. Extend your arms over your head. Lift your right hand along with torso, and touch the left leg. Back on the floor. Repeat with the left hand and right leg. this counts one rep. Make sure your movements are slow and controlled. Never drop your hands or legs freely when coming down.

Start with 2 sets of 10 reps. Gradually, you can increase the number of reps and/or set as per needed.

This exercise works on abs and oblique muscles. This will help you cut that belly fat and also helps in toning your waist. It also improves digestion system.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.

Body part of the day – 

Ankles & Arms

The ankle is the region where the foot and the leg meet. It plays a very important role in locomotion. And arms are the considered to be the most vital limb. These two are the most important parts of your body. If you have a painful ankle, you can’t walk. Same is with a painful arm, you can’t do any work. These are small and neglected parts. Practice these simple moves, and it only takes a couple of minutes only.

Arm circles – Stand with feet slightly apart. Start making a circle by lifting your right hand forward. Your hand should touch your ear when vertically up and your side when vertically down. Repeat 10 times. Now change the direction. Make that circle from back to front. Repeat 10 times. Do the same with the left hand. Make sure movement it slow and controlled.

Ankle rolls – Place both hands on your hips to help you maintain balance. Stand with your legs slightly apart.  Shift your weight to the left leg and hold the right leg out in front of you pointing toes towards the ground. (You can also take the support of a chair or a wall, but try not to) Start making small clockwise circles with your toes keeping the heel stationary. Repeat 10 times. Now make counterclockwise circles. Repeat with left leg. Try to make larger circles to get the full range of motion and make those muscles relax.


Tip of the day

Just start rolling those limbs. You don’t feel like doing?? Set your clock and do it for only 3 minutes. Trust me, once you start you will love it.

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

#AtoZchallenge 2018 A is for Amazing Alphabet Team

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Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter | Tags: , , , | 40 Comments

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40 thoughts on “Alternative Jackknife #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Naice! I’m going to try this tomorrow.


  2. Anagha Yatin

    Thanks for sharing “Alternative Jackknife” and encouraging to get up and do a little bit of exercise for own benefit.


    • While giving our best to our families we often forget about our own selves. Hope it helped. Thanks.


  3. CRD

    Hey. This is a nice theme. You’ve obviously taken great pains to make this as illustrative as possible.

    Good one.

    All the best for the A to Z Challenge, Do drop by mine.


    • Ah !! I am glad you noticed. My efforts paid off 🙂 Thanks, Criss. Good luck to you too. Heading to your blog.


  4. That looks like a good exercise I need to give a shot. Thanks for sharing.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    My A to Z’s of Dining with IC
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author


    • Thanks, Patricia for dropping by. Do give it a try, I bet you will enjoy it. Have a look at next one today.


  5. So good to see you blogging here at #atoZ, Anami! I’m loving this theme. Will be watching out for your posts. Best wishes with the challenge! 🙂


    • Oh yes!! I am just pushing myself a bit. I just hope I complete the challenge. 🙂 I am sure you will like the workouts. Thank you so much.


  6. Arlee Bird

    I can remember a time when I could have probably done those jackknife things. I need to do stuff like what you’ve talked about in this post.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out (A)


  7. So nice you are sharing these here.. really helpful


  8. Quite simple exercises which will go a long way in maintaining good health. I haven’t been doing anything for a while and feel lax. Need to kick my butt


  9. Pingback: Bicycle Crunch #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  10. The exercises look simple yet effective. But, for lazy person like me there is fitness always begins tomorrow, which never comes. 🙁

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Contralateral Limb Raises #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  12. Pingback: Double Dip Squat & Double Pulse Bicycle #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  13. Pingback: Elbow Plank #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  14. That was interesting to read and I hope to return to your article for a re-read and further comment in future. For now I enjoyed reading, but unable to lie flat so no chance of trying that excercise but interesting nevertheless and excercising differently to keep muscles and joints supple and retain limb mobility is essential for everyone. The 10mins a day health improvement I’m aiming for is for natural vitamin D from sunlight, even on days with air quality issues, as 10minutes weight-bearing and stretching and what daylight there is are therapeutic. I’ll read more of your posts in this series another day. Enjoyed my visit, thanks and Best Wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes , there are a lot of exercises which you can do without lying flat. You can have a morning walk close to sunrise hours. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes I enjoyed one this morning for the first time in ages and would have loved it more had the moon not been so blinding but still good to manage a walk out. thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I am happy for you that you loved it. Make it a daily routine. Sorry, but I didn’t get your point. Moon in the morning?

          Liked by 1 person

          • It’s not unusual where I live to catch sight of the moon during sunrise hours, We’re quite a height above sea level in my part of the country. The reflection of the sun’s light before the sun even made it’s way to visible sky was blindingly bright. That’s a bit unusual. Sorry if I confused you with my comment. Hope this explains what I meant better. It’s my clumsy englishness and our language differences perhaps.

            Liked by 1 person

          • It is so good to know people from different part of the world. English is not my native language either. I get that now. How nature amuse us.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Not always amusing, but we have to find ways of coping and be grateful for small happinesses with so much world news. Best wishes to you. Thanks for reply. i’ll catch up with reading your posts again soon.


            Liked by 1 person

          • Positivity is the key. Thanks to you, Colette. 🙂


  15. Pingback: Figure 4 Leg Raises & Flutter Kicks #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  16. Pingback: Go Around Squat #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  17. I love exercises that start off from the floor. I suppose this is good for the legs and tum as well not to mention the core…..

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: High Plan+ Knee Circle & High Knees #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  19. Pingback: High Plank+ Knee Circle & High Knees #AToZChallenge | Anami's Pensieve

  20. I was such a fitness freak but have stopped exercise since the past couple of months. I have to get back now.


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