Inner Thigh ‘W’s #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.”


Image result for immune system quotes


Never think negative. You are slow. Be it. Don’t worry. At least you are doing something for your body. Never repent.

Inner Thigh ‘W’s

Starting with the right side. Get all your weight on right elbow and forearm and on the left foot. Now slowly lift your hips above the ground, whatever height is comfortable to you. Now slowly start making “W” shape with your right leg in the air.Keep the motion slow and under control. Repeat the same on left side.

Start with 45 seconds on each side. Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. You can also repeat 10-15 times on both the sides.

This works on your inner thighs. This is one of the best workouts for your inner thighs. It also strengthens your core as you have to maintain a balance throughout. Remember to make that move in a controlled manner.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



The Body part of the day – I

Immune System

It is a default defense system of your body. When your immune system falls weak then your body shows the illness symptom outside. Here are some ways to boost your immune system.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Get more nuts and seeds
  • Citrus food is considered to be great immunity booster.
  • Include garlic and ginger in your diet.
  • Don’t smoke
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Try to minimize stress.
  • Get some Vitamin D (sunlight)
  • Exercise.

Tip of the day

There is nothing special to be done. Just follow simple rules and live a healthy life.

Image result for immune system quotes

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

C – Contralateral Limb Raises

D – Double Dip Squats & Double Pulse Bicycle

E – Elbow Planks

F – Figure’4′ Leg Raises & Flutter Kicks

G – Go Around Squats

H – High Plank + Knee Circle & High Knees

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 23 Comments

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23 thoughts on “Inner Thigh ‘W’s #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. syncwithdeep

    This is cool Anami. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. syncwithdeep

    This is so cool Anami. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jaishvats

    Thanks for an informative post …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Melanie Crouse

    This looks like a hard workout! Thanks for sharing.
    Melanie’s Stories

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Anagha Yatin

    This inner thigh w is definitely not so easy to do …from looks of it. May be I will need more core strength to hold my body in that position. But worth trying!
    You have challenged my comfort zone Anami with this exercise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly my point Anagha. We need to come out of the comfort shell now. Initially, it will be hard but gradually you will start loving it. Trust me.


  6. I don’t know how I missed these informative theme. Reading through all the posts now and trying to see which ones can be followed. Wonderful post.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Arlee Bird

    So true about the negative thinking. I always try to see the up side of things, but sometimes darkness closes in with such insistence that keeping a positive mindset can be difficult.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    Liked by 1 person

    • True. But after that darkness passes by we can again see the sunshine, rather than being sad about what had happened.


  8. I agree with all the rules you have stated.It is really so simple, yet we all make it so complicated! Just care for ourselves, our health, our mind and stay away from anything negative.
    I like your informative posts, Anami!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Jump Squats + Broad Jump #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z | Anami's Pensieve

  10. Pingback: Kneeling Side Leg Raise #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z | Anami's Pensieve

  11. Pingback: Lunges+Lifts & Lunge Pulses #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z | Anami's Pensieve

  12. Pingback: Mt. Top Abs & Mountain Climber #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z | Anami's Pensieve

  13. Thanks for sharing tips on building immunity. I shall follow this recommendation for my daugther and yes for myself also.


  14. Pingback: Nose to Knee Plank #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z | Anami's Pensieve

  15. Pingback: Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises + Pulses #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z | Anami's Pensieve

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