Posts Tagged With: nails

Fed Up?? Let’s break up !!

This is it. Bahot ho gaya, now i can’t live with you. It’s hard for me to take this decision but now I can’t handle you any more. It took so many days for this to come out, to say all this and trust me being a girl it’s not that easy for me.

With you I feel Safe, you make me feel and look like a girl, a princess.  You gave me the charm, the elegance, the style. With you there is a glimpse of delicacy in my actions. In fact you are the one who transformed this “rough and tough me” into a delicate darling.

Yes, blame me, going with you was my choice and initially I was loving you,  but then slowly I realized that we are not made for each other.

As the person I am,  who loves something new every now and then. Always looking for few adventures, trying new experiments,  you certainly were the best and served your purpose faithfully. 

Sorry but its over now.  It’s becoming more and more difficult. You are good temporarily, but not for long term.

I so much want you to be with me. But with you i can’t do things right. I can’t use keyboard properly, even on mobile it becomes a mess trying to touch and tap the right place. Laundry is a hard task with you. It had become very hard to do daily routine work. Many times I bruised myself because of you. Sometimes you also got hurt, and..ouch.. that hurt me a lot..yes a lot..Literally.

So, my dear long, girlish, well filed, beautiful and well shaped nails.. (One already broken real bad)..Goooood byyeee. I am now murdering you all by chopping your heads off. Cya soon.

P.S – Another hand on humor. Let me know how is it.

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