
It’s all about the Baby Steps

Attention Readers / Book Lovers,


Welcome aboard the blog relay. Now you are going to witness a pretty long chain of 57 blog posts with the same number of ebooks. It is definitely a treat for that little bookworm in you.

This is a blog chain where every blog post will go live every 10 minutes of each other. By the time you will end up reading this post and click on the next Baton it will already be live. Oh wow !! what fun it is. So without losing another second here, it goes..

I take on the baton of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival from Saba whose ebook ‘The A2Z of Globetrotting’ is also a part of the mix. Thank you, Saba.

About Saba’s ebook: A2Z of globetrotting is about the best from the various places across the globe. It takes you on an exhilarating journey across the globe with the prominent factory of these places described briefly yet cover their diversities


#BlogchatterEbook Carnival has changed my life, Oh, yes, to much extent. This is my second year of participating in the A2Z Challenge, but the first with the Blogchatter. The first year’s will take much time so will share sometime later. This year, Team Blogchatter made sure we don’t sit up and relax after the month of April. They carried on the excitement and enthusiasm for another three months. It is a really breathtaking but a fun ride to be a part of #BlogchatterEbook Carnival. I loved the way they keep us busy with their activities and especially the way they name those activities. That always motivates me.

This is something I will cherish for real long. When you are introduced as an author it means a lot.

April AToZ challenge in itself is a life-changing and life-learning experience for me. I have already mentioned in my “Reflections” post what all I learned and my experiences… I am feeling confident in repeating the same here, as this will only boost up my energy.

1. ” ज्यादा सोचने से इरादे कमज़ोर हो जाते है “

2. When you know you have nothing to lose, why not give it a try??

3. Live in present.

4. Be patient. Do not panic.

5. Write less but Read more.

Besides, I met so many bloggers from all the corners of the world, in this journey and hope few will be in touch for long. Not to name them but they will understand while reading this. (Didn’t you ?? 😛 ) It is a whole different world. THE BLOGOSPHERE. Thank you Blogchatter for giving me the opportunity to be a self-published writer and supporting me and my book.

Psst… I have something to tell you. If everything goes as planned, something big will be coming up next year. May the force always be with me. Wish good luck to me.  दुआ में याद रखना | Positive vibrations really work, you know 😛


Her Learnings: A Series of 26 Short Poems by [Mittal, Anami]

It feels Simply WOOOOWWWWWWWWW !!!!! to be the owner of a shiny ebook. Though it may be an ebook, it feels so proud and refreshing to see your name on the cover of a book. It gives a feeling of responsibility for your audiences and a feeling of self-confidence to continue the journey towards your big dream.

My first eBook is a collection of 26 simple and short poems depicting a girl’s learnings from life, from what she sees outside, and learns inside. You can grab your copy here. or just click the cover page on right. Feel free to review it too. Trust me It is a great payback for any author.

Bodyweight Workouts: A Fun Way To Exercise by Anami Mittal

My second eBook is for those who are in love. No no, don’t be upset if you haven’t had that ‘great fall’ yet. I am talking about those who love thyself, their own self 😛

This book is a compilation of few Bodyweight Workouts you can do at your home. These do not require any equipment. It is written for the A to Z Challenge 2018. It is a great way to exercise for those who get bored easily. Try them and you will love them. Here you can read the review as well.

You can grab the FREE… YES, FREE copy here HURRY UP…  IT IS A LIMITED PERIOD OFFER. 



Now, I pass on the Baton of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival to Monika whose ebook ‘Astitva: a woman’s journey from existence to empowerment’ is also part of the mix.

About Monika’s ebook: Astitva is a virtual revolt against the age-old customs and attitudes that suppress the essential identity and dignity of women. The author pushes all women suffering under the present societal set-up to realize their potential and live independently.

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter | Leave a comment

पुस्तक समीक्षा – मनसा eBook Review – Mansa by Rashi Roy


पुस्तक का नाम – मनसा ।

लेखिका – राशी रॉय ।

शैली – कविताएं ।

यूँ तो  “मनसा” अर्थात मन से उत्पन्न  कुछ कवितायेँ होता है , परन्तु लगता है कवियत्री ने पाठक के मन में भी झाँका हैं |


मैं समझ नही पा रही हूँ कि शुरुआत कहाँ से और कैसे करूँ । इतनी बेहतरीन और उम्दा कविताओं को पढ़कर मैन प्रफुल्लित हो गया । हालांकि कविताओं की संख्या सिर्फ ८ है, परन्तु उनमे जो भाव है वो अनगिनत है । किताब तीन भागों में है । कवित्री ने पहले भाग “रिश्ते” में किसी भी इंसान के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दो रिश्ते ‘माँ’ और ‘पिता’ के ऊपर अदभुद रचनाये रची है । दूसरे भाग”देशप्रेम” में हमारे देश के प्रति जो वीर रस की रचना की है वो अवश्य ही पाठकों के हृदय में भाव उत्पन्न करेंगे । तीसरे और अंतिम भाग में इन्होंने “मन से” निकली कुछ कविताएं लिखी है जो सीधे सीधे पाठक के मन को छूती है ।


एक बात जो मुझे नही भाई वो ये की एक बार पढ़ना शुरू करते ही बहुत जल्द समाप्त हो गई । अगर कुछ और कविताये होती तो बेहतर होता ।


कुछ अंश जो मेरे मन को भा गए  –


माँ –

ये बात जुबां पे कभी आयी नहीं की मुझको कितना प्यार है माँ से,

सच तो ये है की मेरी हर सांस है माँ से |


बाबा – 

आज भी रोती हूँ छुपके जब भी बाबा की याद आती है..


अगर आप कविताओं में रूचि रखते है तो आपको यह पुस्तक अवश्य पढनी चाहिए | अपनी प्रति डाउनलोड करे यहाँ से


Categories: Blogchatter, Book Reviews | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Reflections #AtoZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

Ahoy !!! April has finally ended and after a week, that I am done with compensating my lack of sleep 😛 here I am, back again. It was my second year in the challenge. With all the ups and downs, yes and nos, the thought of quitting every other day, finally it was over and with good spirits.

My theme was “Bodyweight Workouts”. Deciding on the theme was a flash decision for me. I was wandering around weaving a story but couldn’t figure out anything so this theme came as a rescue. It may come as a surprise to many of you that I am not any fitness expert. Even I have never stepped into a gym ever. I just love doing exercises and that’s why this comes to my mind.

I research a lot about exercises daily while viewing a lot more of the same. But inspite of all the research and time spend collecting information on the Workouts, it was not at all an easy thing to compile a good and most importantly ‘doable’ series of workouts. I came across many exercises for each letter every day when I sit for writing a post. Initially I was getting literally mad. I wanted to add them all or few. Then I adopted one strategy, I shortlist 4 or 5 then try them all. Yes, don’t look like that. For me it is important that the readers should be able to do them or at least think of giving it a try. So that is my take on how I took this challenge. Sorry if I have been off the topic, but this is what crossed my mind thinking about reflections of the challenge.

April has been a super duper roller coaster ride for me. With all the ups and downs that can possibly happen, it has been a super bumper ride. This year I solely was active on Blogchatter and it’s groups. It would have not been possible for me to complete this challenge without those encouraging and motivational words from all the group members and other fellow bloggers.

5 things I learned from the challenge this year  –

1. ” ज्यादा सोचने से इरादे कमज़ोर हो जाते है “

Never think too much. With prior engagements, in laws visiting, my own travel plans all in the month of April, I was in doubt regarding my participation in the challenge. After a lot of thinking, which made me even more tensed and not getting to any decision, I ordered myself”go for it, and this is the last time we (me and my mind) are discussing over this.”

2. When you know you have nothing to lose, why not give it a try??

What if I skip a day or two?? What if I would be unable to survive the challenge?? These”What ifs” are not leaving my thoughts for even a second. Then again I ordered my mind to shut up and asked “what all can happen if any of these may occur?? What will you lose?? Nothing na. Then go for it, why afraid??”

3. Live in present

I wanted to draft all my posts before April but “ये हो न सका” so I started taking one day at a time. I start with that day’s letter and write the post. If I complete it in time then try to write for the next day. For next year I do have something in my mind, if everything goes as planned next year I will come up with a whole different theme.

4. Be patient. Do not panic.

You missed a day. Don’t worry. Try to complete it next day. Panic won’t help, patience will. With my 1yo princess it was getting on my nerves. Whenever I sit to write she used to come to me. So patience helped me a lot. I quickly complete my writing when she was sleeping.

5. May write less but Read more.

This is the most important thing I learned. If you read more and more it will automatically helps you removing that “writer’s block”. Not only it will increase your knowledge it will also connects you to other bloggers.

So here I am ending my reflection post with a big big thanks to Blogchatter, all the fellow bloggers in the group and everyone who religiously visited and commented on all my posts.

2018 A to Z Challenge Reflections

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter | 10 Comments

Zero Crunches #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.

Image result for keep going workout quotes


Today many of you may be happy that now it is going to end, and this killer freak Anami will not bother with her workouts anymore. And few may miss me, (i guess ??). Do not let this, end your journey to your own healthy self. Keep going. Give this world the new you. Give yourself a new you. Be proud of yourself, because it is the most important thing of all. Slow progress is far better than no progress at all. Trust the process. Today’s pain will become tomorrow’s strength. This month’s choices are next month’s body. Don’t let the coming weekend become your weak end. So just go for it. No one else will come to help you it is only you who will do it. Do not quit. Excercise. Rest. Repeat.


Zero Crunches

Lie flat on your back with legs bend from knees. Keep your hands behind the head. Now slowly bring the head up and start making Zeros. Get crunch up to the left, then center and down across the right side. Reverse the crunch from left to right. Repeat.

Start with 50 seconds and increase as per your strength. Keep your abs squeezed up. Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. You may also go for 2 sets of 15 reps.

This is a perfect crunch for your abs and obliques. Remember to keep those abs tight.  Keep it slow and controlled. Keep the hips on the floor.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.

Tip of the day

Feed your mind with success and it will definitely come to you. Remember quotes won’t work unless you do. Remember your gut feeling is always right when it says “go work it out” Do not let those excuses take over your mind. Do not rest. Do not let this last day convince your mind of not working out. Keep going, Keep doing, Repeat.

Print this out, fill in your name, and keep yourself accountable.

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

T – T – Stabilization & Toe Tap

U – Up and Over Steps+Knees & Up and Over Side Lunges

V – “V” Leg Raises

W – “W” Leg Raises

X – “X” Squats

Y –YTWL Variations

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , | 20 Comments

Y T W L Variations #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z

You are born weak and die weak, what you are in between those two periods of time is up to you

Isn’t that the most worth side effect of exercise?? Love yourself. Behind every successful woman is a good man is the butt she got moving to get her there. If you can conquer that 30-second plank, what can’t you do?


Beginners, Level 1

Lie flat on your stomach with your arms extended overhead and palms facing each other. Raise your arms to a 45-degree angle with your body, forming a “Y.” Now, bring down and extend your arms straight out to the side to form a “T.” Now, bend your elbows to a 90degree angle and make your forearms parallel to your body, push down those elbows a little, forming a “W”. Now . with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, drop your forearms down until your forearms are perpendicular to your body, to form an “L”.

Intermediary, Level 2

Related image

Do the same movements as in level 1. Just bow back a little while you do all the moves. Raise your head and hands along with the legs off the floor.

Keep your glutes and abs tight while doing it. Do not overdo. Listen to your body and act accordingly.

This will strengthens your back as well along with the shoulders.

Advanced, Level 3

Image result for y t w l exercises

For this stand upright with feet shoulder width apart and hands extended overhead. Take a half squat. Lean a bit forward keeping the abs tight. Now move the arms in each letter formation. Keep in mind to not take a deep squat. Keep the abs, thigh, glutes contracted. Do not yank arms, move in a controlled manner.

Start with 50 seconds and you can increase as per your strength. Make sure to keep your torso straight in level 3. Make slow but controlled movements.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.

Tip of the day

Don’t take today’s workout as a relief. You already have many exercises. Go do them all. Repeat. Rest. Repeat. That sore pain is the reward. You can apologize to your body after those few last non-doable reps. 😉

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

T – T – Stabilization & Toe Tap

U – Up and Over Steps+Knees & Up and Over Side Lunges

V – “V” Leg Raises

W – “W” Leg Raises

X – “X” Squats

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , | 20 Comments

“X” Squats #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


Be stronger than your excuses.


  Image result for workout winner quotes


Mind in shape will get your body in shape for sure. Go for it. Do not let your mind give those damn excuses and follow your gut feeling.

“X” Squats

Stand upright with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Squat down bringing your hands down to your right feet and then reaching up to the right side. Squat again and touch the left foot, reach up to the left side and get down to opposite side. Keep altering back and forth. Strech high and take a deep squat. Make all the muscles contracted.

This is a great warm-up workout. It also works on your abs and thigh. Tones your hands. Keep your knees firm and don’t allow them to go past your toes. Use your glutes muscles while squatting down not the knees. Keep the core contracted the entire time.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Remember to keep those abs tight and torso straight. Keep it slow and controlled.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



Tip of the day

Your body can stand almost anything. It is your mind that you have to convince. So is this enough for the mind to get convinced?


Image result for workout winner quotes

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.


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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

T – T – Stabilization & Toe Tap

U – Up and Over Steps+Knees & Up and Over Side Lunges

V – “V” Leg Raises

W – “W” Leg Raises

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 16 Comments

“W” Leg Raises #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner.


Image result for workout winner quotes



Be a winner. Do not beat others but beat your own past self. If you did 30 reps yesterday, do 50 reps today. Do not ever quit. Always remember believing is the first step to win. Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. The key is to stay focused.

W Leg Raises

Lie flat on your back. Lift both legs above the hips. Drop them straight down with the feet together. Do not touch the ground. Your feet should be few inches above the floor. Now bring back up both the legs wide and apart. Bring down and get those feet together. Up again above the hips. Keep altering back and forth with feet together and apart.

Repeat for 50 seconds and you can increase as per your strength. Keep your abs contracted the entire time. Make slow but controlled movements. Do not bend the knees while moving the legs.

This apparently works on your abs and cut the extra fat. It also tones your legs and thigs. Keep the abdominal muscle tight the entire time. Make sure to move the leg in a controlled manner, do not swing or yank.


Tip of the day

Yes, you are busy. We all are. Don’t be a drama king / queen and just do it. Think of your workouts as important meeting you have scheduled with yourself. Bosses don’t cancel their meetings 😀


Image result for workout winner quotes

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

T – T – Stabilization & Toe Tap

U – Up and Over Steps+Knees & Up and Over Side Lunges

V – “V” Leg Raises

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , | 11 Comments

“V” Leg Raises #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


It is all about perspective.




Do not feel low because of others. It is you and your peace of mind at the end. Peeople will never change so change your way of looking at them. Be happy with your own self. You do not need anyone else to destroy your happiness. So get up and go workout. It is a great stress buster.

V Leg Raises

Sit on the mat extending those leg in front of you. Spread the legs to form a V. Press your palms against each other. Now slowly lift the right leg up as high as you possibly can. Bring down. Repeat for 50 seconds. Repeat with left leg.

Repeat for 50 seconds and you can increase as per your strength. Make sure to keep your body and torso straight. Keep your abs contracted the entire time. Make slow but controlled movements.

This is a great workout for inner thigh. Keep the abdominal muscle tight the entire time. Make sure to move the leg in a controlled manner, do not swing or yank.


Tip of the day


Patience is the key. Do not overdo. Listen to your body. Eat well and work harder.

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

T – T – Stabilization & Toe Tap

U – Up and Over Steps+Knees & Up and Over Side Lunges

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , | 16 Comments

Up and Over Steps+ Knees & Up and Over Side Lunges #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


Change, the only permanent thing.




A change may be around the corner. But it is of no use if you do not even get up and go to that corner. – A’nami’

Last week, I became a bit cruel. Gave some hard and Tabata workouts. People want me to have some mercy. 😛 So I decided that in this last week I will be more liberal and kind.  So here are some easy peasy exercises. Get up and embrace the change which is just around that corner.


Up and Over Steps + Knee

Stand upright. Swing your arms above your head from right to left. Bringing your left leg behind you. Now bring the left knee to the left elbow. Extend the leg back again. Swing the arms across the opposite side. Bringing the right leg behind. Knee to elbow. Extend back. Keep altering the motion.

Repeat for 50 seconds and you can increase as per your strength. Make sure to keep your body and torso straight. Make slow but controlled movements.

This is a full body cardio workout.  Keep the abdominal muscle tight the entire time. Make sure to swing those arms slowly, do not yank.

Up and Over Side Lunges


Stand upright. Take a side lunge extending your right leg out. Get down and touch the right toe with left hand. Get back and your hands will go up your head. Now take a lunge on left side and reach down with your right hand. Stand, hands above your head. Keep altering back and forth from side to side.

Start with 50 seconds and increase accordingly. Keep those abs contracted the entire time. It is again a full body workout. Keep the motion slow and controlled.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



Tip of the day

If you can make it this far, nothing can stop you from one more mile or one more set of reps

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

T – T – Stabilization & Toe Tap

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 16 Comments

T- Stabilization & Toe Taps #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


Pain is the true sign of a killer workout. – A’nami’



Better sore than sorry. I started loving this sore pain. I am addicted to this now. I workout for two things. One the fragrance of sweat and the feeling of the sore pain. Oh yes, I know I am crazy. Are you ??


T – Stabilization

Drop down to a full push up position. Keep your feet shoulder with apart. Rotate open the right hand which goes up towards the ceiling. Back down. Now take the left hand up and back again. Keep your core tight and contracted.

Start with 50 seconds and you can increase as per your strength. Make sure to keep your body and torso straight. Do not push those hips up high or do not sink down. Keep it straight the entire time. Make slow but controlled movements.

This is a great core strengthening exercise. It cuts your belly fat and tone the obliques. Keep the abdominal muscle tight the entire time.

Toe Taps

Sounds easy-peasy. Right? Yes, it is easy as it sounds 😛

Lie down on the floor, facing up, hands on your side with palms down and legs extended straight. Now slowly bend your knees right above your hips. This is a tabletop position. Calves should be parallel to the ground and thighs should be perpendicular. Now drop your right foot down and tap the ground with your right toes. Do not rest the foot on the ground. Bring back up and drop the left leg. Bring up again to tabletop position.

Start with 50 seconds and increase accordingly. Make sure the knees should be bent at 90-degree angle the entire time. Keep those abs contracted the entire time.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



Tip of the day

This is the Finale week. Come on guys, get up and do some workout.

  (Just stumbled upon this and I liked this. Sorry if some word doesn’t sound good. It is not intended.)

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

N – Nose to Knee Plank

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

S – Sweat It Out Saturday

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Sweat It Out Saturday #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


No one ever said getting an awesome, healthy body was easy—that is why the word work is thee in workout.




Make sweat your best accessory. Work hard and sweat harder. And be ready to get your wishes granted. Be active. Be fit and healthy.S for Sweat. Get ready to have a Sweaty Saturday.


We are nearing the completion of the month and the challenge. I never said it will going to be easy, but it will be totally worth it. Don’t stay still and let the weekend pass by. Move your butt and sweat it out with me. Come on, we don’t have many days left. Cover the days you missed till now.


Slow Squat + Hooks

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly get down into a squat and slowly come back up. Slow and controlled. Swing those arms forming a hook the entire time. Make sure your elbows come straight from your sides.  Focus on getting a controlled and a strong swing. Keep the shoulders contracted.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. This is a great cardio workout. It works on your core, chest, biceps, triceps, thighs. Keep all these muscles contracted the entire time.

Side Squat + Knee

Stand straight with your hands at the back of your head. Take out a side squat with your right leg. Then drive that right knee up to the left elbow and go back to that side squat position. Come back up and stand. Switch side. Now bring the left leg to the side, drive that left knee up to the right elbow. Keep altering back and forth.

Repeat for 50 seconds. Make sure to bring the knees as high as you possibly can. Keeping a low squat is effective.

Side Star Dips

Get into a full plank position. Now drop your hip to the right side and at the same time extend the left hand up. Right hand and shoulder should be perpendicular to the ground. Get back to full plank. Switch side. Drop the opposite hip to the left side while the right hand will go up.

Repeat for 50 seconds. You need to keep the lower back and abdominal muscles tensed for the support. Keep the abs contracted the entire time.  Whenever you come to side star position make sure the hand and shoulders are perpendicular to the ground.

It works on your abs and obliques and gives you a lean toned stomach. Try to get as much range of motion as possible. Make the movement slow and controlled.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.

Saturday Bonus

Here are three more workouts if you think above three are a bit tough for you. Try these three then go for the above. I will keep it short and simple. Just do it.

Scissor Kicks

Lie on your back. Raise both legs up and move like a scissor. Cut the fat peeps.

Squat Jacks

Already heard about and even did some jumping jacks. Right? Nothing fancy. Just get into a squat and do the jack. Simple. Isn’t it??

Single Leg Lateral Hops

Let me take you to your good old childhood days. Remember hopscotch ??  Loved it ?? (I’m afraid not anymore) Start jumping left to right. Switch leg. Repeat. I suggest using your mobile as the marker. 😛




Tip of the day

Sounds like a pretty solid recipe for success. Isn’t it ??



P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

M – Mt. Top Abs & Mountain Climber

N – Nose to Knee Plank

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

R – Rocking Plank & Russian Twists

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 19 Comments

Rocking Plank & Russian Twists #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


Fitness is not a seasonal hobby. It is a lifestlye.

Image result for lets rock workout quotes


How many of you relate to this ?? I do. Working out is like music to me. It is my mood buster. Come let us do some rock and roll.


Rocking Plank

Remember what we had for letter E ?? No. It’s Elbow Plank. You must be wondering why E, today’s letter is R. Guys, let us rock today.

Get into the Elbow Plank position. Make sure your elbows should form a 90 degrees angle and should be directly beneath your shoulders. Your body should be parallel to the floor with you neck, spine, hips, and heels should forming a straight line. Now let’s ROCK. Move your body back and forth just a few inches. Do not jerk or yank. It must be a controlled rocking.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Keep it slow and controlled. Keep your whole body straight and parallel to the floor the entire time.

This is a full body workout which also works on your core and give you flat belly. Keep your abs tight the entire time.


Russian Twists

Sit on the mat with your legs extended in front of you. Bend those knees. Lean back and sit up on your tail bone.. Keep your torso straight. Start rotating from left to right as far as you can. It is more about the range of motion than it is about speed. Repeat for 50 seconds.

This works on your abdominal muscles and obliques. Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Keep it slow and controlled. It is not about speed afterall.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



Tip of the day

That’s it. Stop giving up. It is actually pretty simple, like either you do it or you don’t. There is nothing in between but only excuses. Nothing will work unless you do it.  So just do it man.

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

L – Lunge + Lifts & Lunge Pulses

M – Mt. Top Abs & Mountain Climber

N – Nose to Knee Plank

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Q – Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 27 Comments

Quiet Burpees & Quadruped Leg Lifts #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


Nothing will work unless you do.



Nothing will work unless you do. So do it. And do the best. Don’t let go of the gift.


Quadruped Leg Lifts

Get on all your fours. Distribute your weight evenly between your arms and knees. Keep the knees shoulder-width apart. Now Slowly lift the right leg and extend it straight. Pull back. Lift the left leg and move it straight out. Keeping the knees straight.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Keep it slow and controlled. Keep your knees straight while lifting those legs.

This works on your core and tones your legs as well. Keep your abs tight the entire time.

Quiet Burpees

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward and put your hands on the ground. Take a stance back with your right leg then the left. Bring the right foot back forward then the left one. Stand up. Push your arms over your head. Then again lean forward, put your hands on the ground and take a stance with the left foot first this time, then another foot back. Bring back left leg then right. Stand upright and push your arms overhead. Repeat.

This is a great cardio warm-up workout. It also works on your abs and thigh. Tones your hands.  Keep the core contracted while taking the stance. Keep your shoulders firm.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Keep it slow and controlled.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



Tip of the day

Get that little “umph” and be a winner. This is all for you no one else.

20 Motivational Quotes To Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

K – Kneeling Side Leg Raises

L – Lunge + Lifts & Lunge Pulses

M – Mt. Top Abs & Mountain Climber

N – Nose to Knee Plank

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

P – Plank Variations & Pilates Variations

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

Plank Variations & Pilates Variations #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


One of the greatest moment in life is realising that two weeks ago your body couldn’t do what it just did.


Many of you can relate to that moment I am talking about. Right ?? Not yet, don’t worry. Start today and see the difference in next seven days. Come on, you do not do this for me or any other person, you will do this only for your self. Go get it.


Pilates Side Plank with Leg Raises

Get on the floor. Turn to your right and raise your upper body on your elbow. Bend your right knee to 90-degree angle. Keep the left hand on your waist. Extend the left leg and point the toes out. Now slowly move the left leg up as high as you can, bring down, repeat. Repeat with right leg.

Start with 50 sec or 3 sets of 15 for both sides. Try to keep the upper leg straight and do not swing. Move in a controlled manner. Keep the upper body firm and do not let your neck drop down to shoulder.


Pilates Side Hip Raises

Start with the same position as above. On your right side. In this, you have to bend both of your knees.  Try to keep both the knees together. Now lift those hips as high as you possibly can. Drop down. Repeat. Switch side and repeat.

Start with 50 seconds or 3 sets of 10 reps. Each side. Try to keep your lower shoulder firm and see that your neck does not drop down to the shoulder. While touching down,  do not rest your hips fully on the ground. Just tap and go up again.


Plank Touchdowns

Get into a full plank position. Distribute your weight on your hands and toes. Keep your head, back, and hips in a straight line. Now slowly drop both knees down as to touch the ground. Get back.

Start with 50 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Or you can also do 2 sets of 10 reps. Try to keep your upper body and hips in a stationary position.

It is a full body toning exercise. It also gives your abdominal muscles some push and strengthens your legs and arms as well. Try to keep the hips stationary. Don’t let them drop down or kick up high. Keep them at the same level throughout.

Plank Knee Tucks

Start with the full push-up position. Bring your right knee to your left side from beneath. Get back in full push-position. Now kick the left knee out to the right side of your body. Get back.

Start with 50 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. You may also go for 2 sets of 15 reps. Keep rotating those hips as much as you can and make sure to keep your shoulders straight

This gives you a flat belly and cuts your side fat. It also tones your leg and strengthens your shoulders and arms. Keep in mind that the motion should be controlled. No swinging, no jerking no momentum.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.




Tip of the Day

Put your mind to it, and you just might be surprised by what you can accomplish. If you believe it, so it will be. And if a baby can do a plank that well, so can you!

So, will you go for it, or let things just stay the same?



P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

J – Jump Squats + Broad Jumps

K – Kneeling Side Leg Raises

L – Lunge + Lifts & Lunge Pulses

M – Mt. Top Abs & Mountain Climber

N – Nose to Knee Plank

O – Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises+Pulses

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 27 Comments

Oblique Crunch & Outside Leg Raises + Pulses #AToZChallenge #BlogchatterA2Z


It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
— Mahatma Gandhi

Create your own wealth. Preserve your most precious asset that is your own body. Do not miss a single change. Go for it.


Outside Leg Raises + Pulses

Get down on the floor. Lay on your left side resting your head on the hand. Point your right toes forward and bend the left knee back at 90-degree angle. Keep your leg straight. Now slowly bring the right leg up as high as you possibly can. Then bring down again. Repeat with left leg.

For pulses, you have to do the same movement but in the middle range of motion and make small pulse. You don’t have to go all way up, or all way down, just smooth pulses. Repeat with left leg.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. Or you can also do 2-3 sets of 10 reps.

It is a great leg slimming exercise. It tones your thighs and lifts your glutes. Make sure you do not swing the leg. It should be a controlled motion. Do not bend the upper leg knee.

Oblique Crunch

Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and hands behind your head. Bring your right hand and try to touch your left calf. Go back to flat position. Repeat with the left hand.

Start with 45 seconds.  Gradually, you can increase as per your strength. You may also go for 2 sets of 15 reps.

This is a perfect crunch for your abs and obliques. Remember to keep those abs tight.  Keep it slow and controlled. Keep the hips on the floor.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.



P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.

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My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –

I – Inner Thigh “W”s

J – Jump Squats + Broad Jumps

K – Kneeling Side Leg Raises

L – Lunge + Lifts & Lunge Pulses

M – Mt. Top Abs & Mountain Climber


N – Nose to Knee Plank

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , , , | 30 Comments

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