Daily Archives: April 3, 2018

Contralateral Limb Raises #AToZChallenge


Feel like quitting. Remember WHY you started.

Never do workout to compete with your friend who is fit or any other person out there. Do not make fitness a fashion thing or a trend. You have to be fit for yourself not to show off to the world. Do it for you. No one else.

Image result for health fitness quotes

Contralateral Limb Raises

Lie on your stomach with your hands extended overhead and palms facing down. Contract your abs and slowly raise right arm and left leg simultaneously. Hold this position briefly. While lowering down slowly now raise the left arm and right leg at the same time. Hold. Repeat. Avoid any rotation in your arms or back. Maintain your head and torso position. Your movements must be controlled.

Start with 2 sets of 10 reps. Gradually, you can increase the number of reps and/or set as per needed. You can also time yourself for say 30 seconds or 45 seconds.

Main muscles you are working on while doing this are your shoulders and glutes. Remember not to make movements slowly and in a controlled way.

When can you do ?? Best time for any workout is in the morning. You can also do in evening after at least 4 hours of a heavy meal. Never perform any workout on a full stomach.

Body part of the day –  C


The calf is the back portion of your lower leg. Most of the times we forget about them. We do workouts for belly fat, thigh fat etc. but calves are ignored. For toning your calves you can do calf raises. Stand still with your hands on your waist and feet shoulder-width apart. Now raise your heels and feel the stretch in your calves. Repeat 10 times. That will relax your calf muscles.

Tip of the day

Today is the third day. Third workout. You have three workouts till now. Make a workout routine now. I bet today you feel like not doing. Just push yourself to start, your body will continue the rest.

P.S –

These are just single workouts. Warm up and cool down are not included in this. Know that your body has limits and you should respect it. Do only as much as your body allows you. Little pain is absolutely normal as the muscles stretch, but if you feel more pain then you are doing something wrong. Stop doing it and consult a doctor if necessary. I am not a personal trainer, this is meant to be the inspiration for you as a way to break workout boredom.


GIF created by GIPHY.com, source video, image source

My previous posts of the #AToZChallenge –
A – Alternate Jackknife

B – Bicycle Crunches

Categories: A to Z Challenge, Blogchatter, workouts | Tags: , , , , | 30 Comments

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